Bullpush Hollow

A Story of Miners and Their Families in the Coal Camps of West Virginia and the Mine Wars of the Early 1900’s.

A Struggle for Freedom

Bullpush Hollow

Bullpush Hollow

A Story of Miners and Their Families in the Coal Camps of West Virginia and the Mine Wars of the Early 1900’s.

A Struggle for Freedom

Bullpush Hollow–An Online Graphic History

updating with new strips weekly

Boomer WV, June 1909  

(Fone-Wolf [Here Come], Green, Corbin [Life, various period newspapers])

Short Negotiations #22G

After some downtime, we’re back to regular updates.  Here’s hoping the world finds some sanity and our one arm artist’s drawing arm finishes healing up!  Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled story….

After some downtime, we’re back to regular updates.  Here’s hoping the world finds some sanity and our one arm artist’s drawing arm finishes healing up!  Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled story….

That evening:

Meet Fred Mooney!

Soundtrack: The Red Flag

by Billy Bragg

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