Bulllpush Hollow–An Online Graphic History
updating with new strips Mondays & Thursdays
Snowball Hill Graveyard, Syracuse Ohio, December 1909
(M. Glass, R. Gillespie Oral History)
Not Your Fault #11D

*Clarence was buried on Snowball Hill near Syracuse Ohio next to his brother George
Soundtrack: How Great Thou Art by Huckleberry Flint: Spotify
Extra story, history, news articles, and pictures are on Patreon!
This song is still sung today at every family burial. In my lifetime we’ve sung it at the graves of great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, my sister, my father, and my wife.
Don’t worry, Becky is still alive and kicking; creating the artwork for Bullpush Hollow! She certainly wasn’t my first wife though–or second for that matter.
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Tags: child mortality | Clad Cooper | Clarence Cooper | Elizabeth Cooper | fred cooper | john | Roxie Cooper Gillespie | snowball hill | tom cooper