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Boomer WV August 1909
(Cavalier, various newspapers)
The Black Hand #15A

$5,000 in 1909 would be worth about $168,000 today. Fortunately for the Carfagnaes, the **Black Hand never showed up to collect.
*Cabbage, Cabbage, Cabbage for non Italian speakers. (I don’t speak Italian either–so what do I know? English and a little Korean–that’s all I’ve got.)
**The Italian Black Hand of this time was what we would now call the Mafia. This Black Hand was not connected to the Serbian Black Hand that later Assassinated Duke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I guess “Black Hand” Just sounds cool.
Speaking of gangs named after hands, John (the author) was a founding member of the Pale Hand Gang in Doboj, Bosnia. Become a Patreon sponsor to read that story!

Fayette Tribune on August 26, 1909
(As reprinted in Smithers, WV by John Cavalier)
From Pittsburgh, Penn. there was mailed a letter to Mr. Carfagnae which bore the date of August 10, 1909. The letter read as follows:
Black Hands Demand $5000 from Boomer Merchant
You are warned to have $5000.00 ready when a man says, “Savoia,” or death will be your portion.
The above is an excerpt from a letter written by the Black Hand Society of Pittsburg sent to Ed Carfagnae, an Italian merchant of Boomer, demanding $5000.00. It was received two weeks ago and other circumstances which leave no doubt as to its serious impact were stirring in and around the community.
Carfagnae and his friends are very much alarmed and wrought up over the receipt of the letter. He declares he has not the funds to meet the demand and confidently expects his life to be forfeited. He was in Fayetteville Saturday to consult the prosecuting attorney and other officials asking for aid and protection. This is his first communication from the dreaded Mafia. Since he received the letter, two very valuable dogs belonging to him, have died mysteriously.
The letter received by Carfagnae was mailed from Pittsburgh August 10, 1909. It is written in a clear and legible hand. It states that the society is in need of funds to relieve its needy and suffering members and knowing that Carfagnae has plenty of money, he is asked to give them $5000.00 and he will not be bothered. He is warned not to communicate with the police or seek to escape as the society like the dead have their representatives everywhere and will stab to death without compassion. The concluding sentence read: Some day you will be approached by one of several persons who will “Savoia, Savoia, Savoia.”’ Unless you comply with our demands and hand over the money, death will be your portion and this your grave.
At the bottom of the sheet is drawn a heart with a dagger in it, a cross and a grave.
There are about 400 Italians employed at the Boomer mines and a large number of them are from Southern Italy and Sicily where the Mafia and Black Hand members come from. No doubt there in the Boomer colony are members who are in touch with the Pittsburgh headquarters.
Carfagnae has been in this country for about 6 years. He was engaged in business at Charleston for some time and besides the store at Boomer has various other interests which might easily lead to the belief that he could spare $5000.00 for “‘La Societa.”
The government officials have been quite active of late, running down these Black Hand blackmailers. This letter will be turned over to the post office department for investigation. Carfagnae has engaged bodyguards to attend him and is on the look-out for trouble.